2017考研英语翻译每日一句 电子商务

少儿学习英语 2021-09-04 10:12112未知admin

??本期主题【电子商务】 E-commerce has experienced tremendous growthin recent years, giving a heavyblow to thetraditional retail industry. The revenue of thetraditional retailindustry has shrunk substantially,and its market has bee


E-commerce has experienced tremendous growthin recent years, giving a heavyblow to thetraditional retail industry. The revenue of thetraditional retailindustry has shrunk substantially,and its market has been occupied bye-commerce.In the past year, companies of a great many brands closed thousandsof physical storesnationwide. For many consumers, online shopping has become anindispensable part of theirlives; thus they spend less time and money inphysical stores. Analysts predict e-commercewill account for a fifth of thetotal retail sales in China within 5 years, so some traditionalretail storesmight be replaced gradually.




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