雅思英语口语 如何运用好动物素材解决口语问题

少儿学习英语 2021-12-14 10:23112未知admin

动物素材也是我们生活中比较常说的,在雅思口语中,动物类话题更是屡见不鲜,那么,如何运用好动物素材解决雅思口语问题呢,今天小编就带大家来了解了解! 首先,先来认识今天



1、have the awareness to preserve wild animals  有意识保护动物

2、the diversity of the nature 自然界的多样性

3、worry about predators and food  担心天敌和食物

4、are locked in the cages 锁在笼子里

5、Due to forestation and overusing lands  由于过度森林砍伐和过度使用土地

6、is a vital part/plays an important role in food chain 在食物链中很重要


1. Why should we protect wild animals?

Well, because it’s our responsibility to protect animals. Due to forestation and overusing lands由于过度森林砍伐和过度使用土地, the number of animals‘ habitats has been decreasing,动物栖息地的数量在下降 which causes the decreases of reproduction rate繁殖率在下降.

That’s because every species is a vital part/plays an important role in food chain在食物链中很重要, so one animal’s extinction 动物的灭绝will lead to another animals’ extinction. So we should protect every species even though those vicious creatures恶毒的物种.


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