
少儿学习英语 2022-03-04 10:37112未知admin

The curtains came down on the closing ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games Sunday night at Bird's Nest in Beijing. 周日晚上,北京2022年冬奥会闭幕式在北京鸟巢拉开帷幕。 During the ceremony, many Chinese c

The curtains came down on the closing ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games Sunday night at Bird's Nest in Beijing. 周日晚上,北京2022年冬奥会闭幕式在北京鸟巢拉开帷幕。

During the ceremony, many Chinese cultural elements were fused into the design of the grand show, expressing some Chinese romance. 在仪式期间,许多中国文化元素被融入到了盛大表演的设计中,表达了一些中国的浪漫。

During the closing ceremony, 12 ice cars in the shape of the 12 Chinese zodiac animals came onstage, with children inside.在闭幕式上,12辆十二生肖形状的冰车上台,车内有儿童。

There are 12 zodiac signs in China: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. Each year is represented by an animal, in rotating cycles. For example, this year features the tiger.中国有12个生肖:鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗和猪。每一年都由一只动物以轮换周期来表示。例如,今年的主题是老虎。

The 12 Chinese zodiac-themed ice cars created an outline of a Chinese knot with its wheel trails. 这12辆以十二生肖为主题的冰车创造了一个带有车轮轨迹的中国结的轮廓。

And then it was enlarged, and an enormous "Chinese knot" was presented using digital AR technology. 然后它被放大,并使用数字AR技术呈现出一个巨大的“中国结”。

Each ribbon could be clearly seen, and all of the ribbons intertwined together, symbolizing unity and auspiciousness.每条丝带都清晰可见,所有的丝带交织在一起,象征着团结和吉祥。



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