
英语口语培训 2022-06-28 12:29112未知admin

本句主干为“Reskilling” is something,是主系表结构;关系代词that引导定语从句sounds like a buzzword but is actually a requirement,修饰先行词something,其中,并列连词but连接了两个并列分句sound

本句主干为“Reskilling” is something,是主系表结构;关系代词that引导定语从句sounds like a buzzword but is actually a requirement,修饰先行词something,其中,并列连词but连接了两个并列分句sounds like a buzzword和is actually a requirement;if引导状语从句,修饰主句,其中关系副词where引导定语从句a lot of would-be workers …,修饰先行词future。buzzword意为“时髦用语,流行术语”;would-be意为“想要成为……的,未来的……”,例如:a would-be star(想当演员的人);get left behind意为“被甩在后面,远远落后”,类似表达还有lag behind(发展缓慢,落后)。



a fire-and-hire strategy


A fire-and-hire strategy means to employ and release from employment, usually in rapid succession. 类似表达还有Hire Fast, Fire Fast(快速招人,快速裁人)。另外一种常见的企业用人策略是Hire slow, Fire Fast(招人要慢,裁人要快),比如视频网站奈飞(Netflix)采用的就是这种用人政策,奈飞的CEO认为这样可以提高公司的人才密度(Talent Density),打造竞技体育中常见的这种的团队文化。


AT&T is often given as the gold standard of a company that decided to do a massive reskilling program rather than go with a fire-and-hire strategy.


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