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少儿学习英语 2021-09-01 10:31112未知admin

??在美元再度走软之际,原油及黄金价格昨日再立异高,因出资者企图躲避第二轮信贷骚动的冲击。 Crude oil and gold prices surged to fresh highs yesterday amid renewed dollar weakness as investors sought r


Crude oil and gold prices surged to fresh highs yesterday amid renewed dollar weakness as investors sought refuge from a second wave of credit turmoil.

西德克萨斯中质原油(West Texas Intermediate)大幅上涨逾3美元,创下每桶97.07美元的名义高点,生意员警告称,假定本周美国原油库存数据较上星期又有降低,油价最早可以于今日探问每桶100美元的水平。

West Texas Intermediate jumped more than $3 to a nominal record of $97.07 a barrel and traders warned it might test the $100-a-barrel level as soon as today if US crude oil inventories show another weekly decline.

美国动力情报署(Energy Information Administration)一份看涨的陈述推进了油价上涨,陈述称“严峻的根柢面要素”将持续推高油价。动力情报署是美国动力部(Department of Energy)的计算机构。

The price jump was helped by a bullish report from the Energy Information Administration, the statistical arm of the US Energy Department, warning that “tight fundamentals” would continue to push up oil prices.


The EIA forecast that crude oil prices would “exceed $80 per barrel over the next several months” and trade above $75 a barrel in 2008 as “global oil markets will likely remain stretched.” It said the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries would need to add another 700,000 barrels a day on top of its current production increase of 500,000 b/d to balance the market through the first quarter of 2008.


The cost of using options contracts to insure against crude oil trading at $100 in a year’s time surged to $4.15 per barrel, up almost 70 per cent since the end of October.


The combination of strong crude oil prices and a weakening dollar boosted gold prices to a fresh 28-year high of $824.3 an ounce, just below its all-time high of $850 reached in January 1980.

贵金属生意员们标明,出资者在增持黄金——没有人卖出。Dresdner Kleinwort驻伦敦的贵金属事务主管大卫?赫尔姆斯(David Holmes)标明,金价升至每盎司850美元的“可以性很大。”

Precious metals traders said investors were adding to their gold positions – no one was selling. David Holmes, head of precious metals at Dresdner Kleinwort in London, said a rise to $850 was “very much on the cards”.

瑞银集团(UBS)驻伦敦的贵金属战略主管约翰?里德(John Reade)将其1个月期金价猜测定为“不可以避免的”每盎司850美元。

John Reade, head of metals strategy at UBS in London, upgraded its one-month gold forecast to an “inevitable” $850 an ounce.


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