
在线英语培训 2021-01-08 10:41112未知admin

话题:英语单词小课堂br /关键词:形容“有趣”的英语单词br /10个形容“有趣”的英语单词,优化你的英语词汇储备!br /br /如果从脑海里找出一个形容“有趣”的英语单词,估计很多

话题:英语单词小课堂<br />关键词:形容“有趣”的英语单词<br />10个形容“有趣”的英语单词,优化你的英语词汇储备!<br /><br />如果从脑海里找出一个形容“有趣”的英语单词,估计很多人的第一反应肯定是”fun”单词,这个单词太常见,不过也太宽泛,如果想要将这种“有趣”形容得更具体的话,你可以选择用以下的单词来升级你的表达方式。<br />1、Enjoyable<br />中文释义:愉快的,快乐的<br />英文释义:Something that is enjoyable gives you pleasure.<br />这个形容“有趣”的英语单词可以用在具体的一个地点、一件事情甚至一个人,比如说”a friend is enjoyable”,也就是说明和朋友在一起非常快乐。<br />例句:<br />This was one of the most enjoyable dates I have ever been on.<br />这是我参加过的最愉快的约会之一。<br />I thought this theme park would be enjoyable, but it turned out to be a complete waste of time and money.<br />我原以为这个主题公园会是一个让人感到愉快的地方,但结果却完全是浪费时间和金钱。<br /><br /> 2、Amusing<br />中文释义:有趣的,好玩的,逗人笑的<br />英文释义:Someone or something that is amusing makes you laugh or smile.<br />用这个形容“有趣”的英语单词的时候,通常还带一点吃惊的意味。就比如小孩通常喜欢给自己脸上画一些东西,如果你是一个比较客观的家长的话,那么Amusing这个单词就再合适不过了。<br />例句:<br />When Parker messes up his presentations, he always finds a way to be amusing still.<br />当帕克搞砸了他的演讲时,他总能找到一种有趣的方法来继续下去。<br />The way that penguins waddle on the ice when they walk is very amusing!<br />企鹅走路时在冰上摇摇晃晃的样子,真是太有趣了!<br /><br />3、Pleasurable<br />中文释义:令人快乐的,愉快的,舒适的<br />英文释义:Something that is pleasurable gives you pleasure when you do it. <br />这个形容“有趣”的英语单词是比较主观的词汇,也就是说可能在你看来是有趣的,但是别人不一定和你有着一样的看法。<br />例句:<br />A sign of clinical depression is that you no longer have the motivation to do things that you previously thought were pleasurable.<br />临床抑郁症的一个迹象是,你不再有动机去做那些你以前认为是令人愉快的事情。<br />If you go into an experience with an open mind, you just might find that it turns out to be much more pleasurable than you expected.<br />如果你以开放的心态去体验,你可能会发现,它比你想象的要快乐得多。<br /><br />4、Pleasing<br />中文释义: 令人愉快的,舒适的; 惹人喜欢的; 满意的<br />英文释义:Something that is pleasing makes you happy.<br />用这个形容“有趣”的英语单词的时候,你可能的确是比较高兴,也能够笑出来,但是不至于那种大笑开怀的那种情况。<br />例句:<br />The shade of blue painted on the walls is definitely a pleasing color.<br />墙上涂着蓝色的阴影,绝对是一种令人愉快的颜色。<br />The violin student gave a performance pleasing to the ears of all of her audience.<br />这个小提琴班的学生让所有听众的耳朵都感到很满意。<br /><br />5、Interesting<br />中文释义:令人感兴趣的,有趣的; 引起兴趣的; 有趣的; 令人关注的<br />英文释义:If you find something interesting, it attracts your attention, for example because you think it is exciting or unusual.<br />一般来说,Interesting指的是那些能够点燃你兴趣的东西,不过,这个词也很少出现在对话里面,因为那些地道的英语使用者会把”Interesting”这个词用在那种不知道如何对某事做出反应的情形。比如,当他们听到一个他们从未想过的想法,他们的反应可能是“有趣的”,但这个话题可能在之后的他们来说会很无聊。<br />例句:<br />When I first heard the motivational speaker, I thought his message was interesting but not applicable for most of the audience.<br />当我第一次听到这位励志演讲者时,我觉得他的演讲很有趣,但并不适用于大多数听众。<br />There are several branches of psychology that I find interesting but I would never want to pursue them for my career.<br />有几个心理学分支,我觉得很有趣,但我永远也不会把他们当做我的毕生职业考虑。<br /><br />6、Entertaining<br />中文释义:有趣的,娱乐的,使人愉快的<br />英文释义:Something entertaining provides amusement and /or enjoyment.<br />这个形容“有趣”的英语单词,更侧重的是娱乐享受方面。<br />例句:<br />The movie will not resonate with many people, but there are a few fans that find it incredibly entertaining.<br />这部电影不会引起很多人的共鸣,但是有一些粉丝觉得它非常有趣。<br /><br />7、Humorous<br />中文释义:幽默的; 滑稽的; 风趣的<br />英文释义:A person, show, or event that is humorous is funny. It will cause you to laugh for one reason or another.<br />这个词主要是从表现角度上来看的,而且是比较客观的评价。<br />Sarah is a humorous person in general, but advising her to become a comedian is not really a good suggestion for her.<br />萨拉是个幽默的人,但建议她成为喜剧演员对她来说并不是个好建议。<br />I prefer humorous to serious movies.<br />比起严肃的电影,我更喜欢幽默的。<br /><br />8、Comical<br />中文释义:好笑的,滑稽的<br />英文释义:If you describe something as comical, you mean that it makes you want to laugh because it seems funny or silly.<br />这个形容“有趣”的英语单词更多的和comics(漫画)联系起来,用这个词就代表你所形容的事物和comics存在一定的关联,或者这个事物本身就像一个comic.<br />The teacher’s comical teaching style immediately made her a favorite amongst the children.<br />老师滑稽的教学风格立刻使她成为孩子们的热衷的对象。<br />The movie tried to address difficult topics in a comical way, but I think they should have just stuck with a more serious tone.<br />这部电影试图以滑稽的方式来解决困难的话题,但我认为他们应该坚持用更严肃的语气。<br /><br />9、Facetious<br />中文释义:爱开玩笑的; 轻率的; 滑稽的; 好笑的<br />英文释义:If you say that someone is being facetious, you are criticizing them because they are making humorous remarks or saying things that they do not mean in a situation where they ought to be serious.<br />这个形容“有趣”的英语单词使用背景是,当有一个比较棘手的问题在手边,一个人因为开了不适合的玩笑,可能让那个想解决问题的人感到不可理喻,然后就可以用这个词。<br />Even though the good times were great, Ben’s facetious reactions to any conversation having to deal with money was a contributor to the demise of our relationship.<br />尽管美好的时光是很棒的,但是Ben对任何与金钱打交道的谈话的反应都非常滑稽,这也是是我们关系破裂的原因之一。<br />Teachers hate having to deal with facetious students.<br />老师们讨厌和那些爱开玩笑的学生打交道。<br /><br />10、Delightful<br />中文释义:令人非常高兴的,讨人喜欢的; 令人愉快的<br />英文释义:Something or someone that is delightful is something that delights you. In other words, it surprises you in a good way and leaves you smiling and happy.<br />这个形容“有趣”的英语单词更多用于某事从一个比较积极的方向惊讶到你,让你感到快乐。<br />I had an absolutely delightful time with you at afternoon tea today!<br />今天下午茶的时光,和你玩得很开心!<br />I was unsure about having to babysit my nephew but his smile was simply delightful.<br />我不确定是否去照看我的侄子,但他的笑容却是令人愉快的。<br /><br />以上就是10个形容“有趣”的英语单词,其实我们可以注意到,这些英语单词的中文释义大多是一样的,但是在英稳文解释上确有一定的区别,出现的情形或多或少有些差异,这也说明,我们在积累英语单词的时候,也要学会多看一点这个词的英语解释,这样在涉及到具体应用的时候也就会避免用词不当的错误。<br /><br />


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